Better-for-you beverages made with natural concentrates of real ingredients like fruit and plant extracts, vitamins and minerals.
How do I use capsules with my Bello Home?
Using your Bello Home is simple:
- Place the capsule in your Bello Home.
- Select your flavour intensity level; light, medium, or strong.
- Press the button to begin dispensing and again once finished.
- Remove the capsule from your Bello Home and store it in the fridge.
What do the capsules contain?
The capsules contain natural concentrates with real ingredients like fruit and plant extracts, vitamins and minerals.
We allow you to enjoy a wide range of better-for-you beverages, from zero-calorie flavoured waters and wellness drinks, to simple and clean iced teas, with ten different flavours available for purchase at launch.
Do the capsules contain any stevia or artificial sweeteners?
No, the capsules do not contain any stevia or artificial sweeteners.
How long do the capsules last once opened?
Once opened, each capsule lasts up to ten days. The capsules must be refrigerated between uses. Any unopened capsules last up to one year.
How many drinks can I make with my Bello Home while using a single capsule?
A single capsule can make anywhere between 12 and 50 drinks using your Bello Home, depending on the product line and flavour intensity selected for your beverages.
What is the price to purchase a single capsule?
Each capsule costs $9.95 USD per unit.
Do I have to seal the capsule between uses?
No! Our patented technology has made it possible to seamlessly insert and remove any capsule from your Bello Home without needing to open or close any cap between uses.
Can I re-use or refill a glass capsule on my own? What should I do with a glass capsule once it is empty?
Our glass capsules are multi-serving, but not refillable in order to comply with health and safety regulations. With that being said, you are able to recycle your glass capsules after they are finished and each capsule can make anywhere between 12 and 50 drinks.